What do we do?

    Jobs in the area

    Internal Audit supports the Supervisory Board and the Management Board of the bank in the effective and safe implementation of the risk management system related to the bank’s operations. Audit is responsible for testing the adequacy and effectiveness of internal controls. In particular, it delivers information on the results of and conclusions from performed tests and on follow-up steps taken to improve the system. The scope of Audit activities covers all operations and business units of the bank, including operations of subsidiaries and those outsourced to third parties.

    Therefore, one of the biggest advantages of working in Audit is the opportunity to learn about every area of operation of the bank and its subsidiaries, as well as the chance to interact with the bank’s key managers. Internal Audit, which is part of the Group Audit function at BNP Paribas (Inspection Générale), cooperates with units from other companies in Poland and with colleagues from abroad in addressing global and international issues.

    Why join us?

    For years I have tried to live by two of Albert Einstein’s sayings, which are still relevant today. The first one is: “You can never solve a problem on the level on which it was created. You have to rise above it to the next level.” And the second one: “Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler.” This is also useful in the work of an auditor, which consists in constant development in pace with the whole organisation, because life is change and change is people... nothing stands still, everything changes, so we look around together, we look for new points of reference, we inspire each other, we test various solutions and we change reality.

    Irina, Ekspert ds. Audytu
    Irina OleśExpert for AuditBank BNP Paribas

    Our main areas of activity

    Are you interested in working with us?

    or contact our recruiter directly:

    Maja Pietrzak - Ekspert ds. Rekrutacji

    Maja Pietrzak

    Recruitment ExpertBank BNP Paribas
    to Maja Pietrzak

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